
So we've been pretty dry on the blogging front for a while now, I know, and I'm sorry.

So let us recap on some recent events and upcoming news.

Playedio threw another night with Filth at Goldsmiths as part of the Freshers 2010 fortnight.

The combination of our biggest line-up to date and a stampede of beer-hungry students lead to an incredible night.

First off, BAREFACE played a staggering set in our floor-circle stage, with more energy than a super-charged atomic lazer beam from Mars (although I'm not sure most the crown were fixated on the band members themselves).

After one of the best 90's garage sets knows to man from Playedio Radio residents S.W.C (who you can listen to every wednesday via their blog), Playedio regulars Dead Red Sun performed another dreamy set of dreams to a 360 degree circle of eager fans.

It was sick.

Bath based Labcoat and Mac jumped on swiftly after with his unique blend of...well, everything.

We were given an intense 40 minute live show consisting of Hip-hop, Electro, House, breakbeat and of course L+M's special blend of 8-bit chip glory.

Oh yeah, then he brought on two dudes with steel drums and they all whacked out a ten minute electro-salsa dance up. Insane.

By now, the beer was flowing and the legs 'a skankin.

No other than Jacob Plant took to the wheels of steel next, and , well, we're not too sure what followed, but it was rediculous.

Following that, Last Japan tore up the room for a further hour with some rather big tunes.

Thus, the following series of events took place in no particular order

To cap it all off, Moomin (Filth) & Basshoven (Playedio) kept everyone moving until the early hours of the morning.

All in all, jolly good fun.

Playedio may have a little surprise in store for the new year, so keep checking back.

All photos courtesy of Al Harley & Myles Barrell.

Amongst all these lovely events, you may have forgotten that Playedio radio is in fact, a radio.

A new and super-awesome website is in the works so that you can tune in as and when, with ease. It will be a hub for all things Playedio, with links to all our contributors (special mention goes to the S.W.C for their upholding of all this radio business) and news about releases, events, and all that jazz.

For now, you can check out S.W.C's weekly show, every Wednesday from 8-10pm HERE,
and expect to be hearing much more from Norwich based clubnight extravaganza, Filth as chief bossman MOOMIN will be starting his weekly show in the near future, with more new shows to be starting not long after.

That's about it for now.

Lates, Playedio.