
Right. First things first.

Our heartfelt apologies go out to anyone that got hurt, injured, or generally emotionally scarred for life by the events of last night. It was a horrible ending to what was an amazingly fun night. Thankfully everybody is doing alright today, minus a few head wounds and fat lips, and on the bright side about 90% of the people involved have been taken into custody.

A huge thank you for everyone that came and made it such a rad night, Bareface and Dead Red Sun smashed it, as did all the DJ's that got to play. We'll whack up some photos and videos of the night shortly so watch this space.

Playedio will be back with a summer show in the not-too-distant future, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for updates and the like.

In the next few weeks we will also be publishing our very first Zine, with all the glorious Playedio-based paraphernalia of the rainbow.

Therefore, we are currently looking for roughly 15-20 illustrators to send us in some images that will be chosen from to be displayed in this fine document.

We will be releasing the brief for the Zine shortly, and we'll let you all know when the time is upon us.

A massive thankyou goes out to everyone that managed to make it down last night, we had an awesome night up until the point of destruction, and we hope you did aswell.

Much love and kisses, Playedio.